Herne – assistance dog friendly!

The main protagonist in Herne, Ms Miriana Palermo, an employee of the City of Herne in the Social Welfare Department and herself a guide dog owner, has put a lot of effort into organising a series of action days in Herne. The collage is the icing on the cake and a beautiful memory for everyone.

A carefully designed collage shows the Pfotenpiloten assistance dog welcome sticker in the middle, together with the logo and the word "Stadt Herne". Around it are arranged about 50 pictures of scenes where the sticker is placed on local shops and doctors' surgeries.
Stadt Herne - Greeting - Assistance Dog Welcome

Press release of the city of Herne on the “Assistance Dog Welcome” campaign:

The “Assistance Dog Welcome” campaign was made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Aktion Mensch.
Logo - Funded by: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social AffairsLogo Aktion Mensch