Dog Map


What places are dog friendly? Where are there still barriers to public access for an assistance dog team, where is the staff informed? This information can be found or entered in DogMap.

YouTube video

Dogmapping is simple:


2. Select a location via the search field or by dragging the map around with your mouse.

3. Select a marker: Dog Friendly, Assistance Dogs Allowed or Access Barrier.

4. Mark even more locations!

5. Motivate family and friends to join in.

6. Alternative for people who struggle with technology: dial 069-1532016-66 and leave information on tape. Our team will enter your information for you.

7. Do you have your own website? Here is how you can embed DogMap free of charge.

The data from DogMap and many other accessibility projects are compiled by SOZIALHELDEN e.V. in the "accessibility cloud" so that they can then be shown in other projects.

Click here to go to Dogmap.