Gemeinsam mit Assistenzhündin "Hanni" brachten Thorsten Habel und Bad Berleburgs Rathausmitarbeiterin Sarah Müsse mit Bürohund "Carlo" das sichtbare Zeichen (Aufkleber) für die Zutrittskampagne "Assistenzhund Willkommen" am Eingang zum Bürgerbüro an. Alle hocken sich neben die beiden Hunden.

Bad Berleburg – assistance dog friendly!

Together with assistance dog "Hanni", Thorsten Habel and Bad Berleburg's town hall employee Sarah Müsse and office dog "Carlo" placed the visible sign (sticker) for the access campaign "Assistance Dog Welcome" at the entrance to the citizens' office. Everyone crouches down next to the two dogs.
To read the article, click here.

“When we heard about the campaign, we did not hesitate for a moment and accepted. We wanted to set a sustainable example – also in the sense of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to which we have committed ourselves as a town of villages. These explicitly provide for a healthy life for all,” explained Bernd Fuhrmann.

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The “Assistance Dog Welcome” campaign was made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Aktion Mensch.
Logo - Funded by: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social AffairsLogo Aktion Mensch