Eine Frau versucht, die Aufmerksamkeit einer anderen Frau zu erlangen. Deren Assistenzhund stupst sie mit der Nase an, um sie auf die Frau aufmerksam zu machen, die versucht, ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu erlangen.

Pfotenpiloten’s Assistance Dog Podcast

Over many years, we have had extensive conversations with assistance dog teams – both guide dog teams and people who are helped by the assistance dog with other impairments. Our assistance dog podcast shares these diverse experiences and insights.

We will continue to create informative content for you, so, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for future assistance dog podcasts and more!

Many hours of work go into creating this content. Is it also important to you that the assistance dog concept finally becomes better known in German-speaking countries? Please reach out to us now with a donation!

In this first episode, people who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts. They have all found their own path that has led them to an assistance dog. In this podcast, we share some of those stories.

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In this second Pfotenpiloten Podcast, we explore the question: How do assistance dog owners take responsibility for the well-being of their assistance dogs and why is it important that they do so? People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts.

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It is often easy to romanticize or generalize about the work of assistance dogs. However, it is important to remember that each dog is an individual with his own needs and that sometimes he will not behave as we expect or desire. In this podcast, two assistance dog owners share their thoughts and experiences with this aspect of living with an assistance dog.

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This podcast shares somewhat unusual experiences with onboarding, as well as general tips.

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A good relationship and trust are essential for a good assistance dog team. In this Pfotenpiloten Podcast, we explore the question: how do assistance dog owners deal with this aspect of living with an assistance dog? People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts.

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In this Pfotenpiloten podcast, you will learn about the assistance offered by the different types of assistance dogs with the help of a few examples.

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In this podcast episode, assistance dog owners share how living with an assistance dog has enabled them to participate more.

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In this Pfotenpiloten Podcast, we explore the question: how can living with an assistance dog impact experiences in the community? Both in terms of social contact and how disability is perceived and discussed. People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts.

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In this one, we explore the question: what impact does an assistance dog have on the children of assistance dog owners? People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts.

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People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts. In this Pfotenpiloten Podcast, we explore the question: if and how you can compare life with and without an assistance dog.

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Even after an assistance dog has been placed, assistance dog owners and handlers continue to need the guidance of trainers because improving and maintaining the success of an assistance dog team is a lifelong project. In this podcast, we present some thoughts on supervising assistance dog teams.

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People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts. Life with an assistance dog can literally be life-changing and beautiful. However, these highs can also be accompanied by lows. In this Pfotenpiloten Podcast, we explore the question: What are some possible downsides to living with an assistance dog?

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What made some breeds such ideal assistance dogs and what are the differences between breeds? People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts.

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People who live with assistance dogs share their experiences and thoughts. In this Pfotenpiloten Podcast, we explore the question of whether and how assistance dogs can actually save money.

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In this Pfotenpiloten podcast, we explore the question of whether guide dogs can tell that their humans are blind.

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An assistance dog has the task of supporting its human in daily life. However, most assistance dog owners have experienced extraordinary situations where their assistance dog has kept them safe and possibly saved their lives.

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We will continue to create informative content for you, so, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for future podcasts and more!

Many hours of work go into creating this content. Join us and make it possible for us to continue with this work, with your donation!